
Bars Bundle

Rs.3,528 Rs.3,175

Create a package of 12 bars according to your own favorites:

Shipping Policy

  • Our standard delivery partner for shipping is Swyft
  • Shipping of your order will start within 24-48 hrs.
  • Normal delivery time after shipping confirmation is 3 to 5 days and in extreme conditions, it may extend to 6 to 7 days.
  • Our product will be shipped in packed & sealed boxes.
  • Returns Policy

  • Raise a return/replacement request within 7 days from the date of delivery. In case of damaged/missing product, raise a return/replacement within 2 days from the date of delivery.
  • We will take 2 working days to review your return request.
  • If our reverse pickup service is not available at your location, you would need to self-ship the product via a reliable courier partner. Power foods will reimburse the courier charges.
  • After the product is received, Power foods will verify it against the claim and initiate the replacement or refund accordingly. Please note that replacement would depend upon the stock availability.
  • Description

    Create a package of 12 bars according to your own favorites:

    Customer Reviews
    Bars Bundle
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